Silhouette ATV or Quad bikes Jump in the sunset.

Just A Naked Guy On An ATV Being Chased By Kansas City Police

Photo: Toa55 (Getty)

We’re sure that Kansas City has seen their share of crazy stuff through the years, but you’d be hard pressed to find something as batshit crazy as a naked dude on an ATV hauling ass down the wrong side of Interstate 29.

Well, according to The Kansas City Star, that’s exactly what happened Sunday afternoon for more than an hour.

Police said the chase began around 2:20 p.m. when they responded to a report of a “suspicious party…a naked male” on an ATV in a field. The dude then found a gap in the fencing and hightailed it down the road with cops in close pursuit, but then shit got real when he decided to hop on the freeway and make a break for it while going the wrong way in the northbound lanes.

Thankfully, Jess Fishell was also on the freeway at that time, and he captured part of the police chase on his cellphone. The resulting footage is nothing short of “Video of the Year” material.

Clay County officials eventually sent a tweet informing the masses that the dude had been apprehended, while the KCPD had a little fun with the fact that it was a balmy 54 degrees outside.

Police said they suspected the naked man driving an ATV down the wrong side of the freeway was under the influence of drugs.

Yeah, no shit.

Not your average perp: Here’s A 10-Year-Old Boy Leading Police On A High Speed Chase