Paris Latsis proud to be a Nazi

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Shipping tycoon John Latsis – grandfather of Paris Latsis, who is engaged to Paris Hilton – was a notorious international figure and has been called a Nazi collaborator and a black marketeer. Latsis was accused of profiteering during World War II and stood trial for collaborating with the Nazis. He was acquitted, but faced further criticism for his close friendship with Colonel Georgios Papadopoulos, leader of the fascist junta which seized power in Greece in 1967.

Paris Latsis changed his last name from Kasidokostas to his mother’s last name Latsis to evoke the shipping fortune from that side of his family. And also because his last name was Kasidokostas. It’s always a delicate situation when the time comes to decide if you should change your last name so people will know that you’re related to a Nazi oil billionaires. And I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking that those other Nazis are our friends. Sure they pretend to like you, and their slumber party lock-ins always have lots of cute blond girls, but what are they really playing at?

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