Alec Baldwin Feels Really Bad

Alec Baldwin will appear on The View in a taped segment tomorrow in which he claims he is so distraught over the custody battle that led him to leave the voicemail for his daughter, Ireland, that he has asked to leave his show, 30 Rock. Page Six reports:

Baldwin, interviewed yesterday by Barbara Walters and Rosie O’Donnell for a segment to air tomorrow on “The View,” was described as “soft-spoken, apologetic and thoughtful” during the chat. “He said he asked to be released from his contract,” Baldwin’s spokesman, Matthew Hiltzik, told Page Six. “NBC is not releasing him, and he will fulfill his contract.” Baldwin said that when he left an angry voice mail for Ireland calling her “a rude, thoughtless little pig,” he was inappropriately directing feelings that should have been expressed to Kim.”

This should be a great interview because Barbara Walters is known for her hard-hitting questions. Just ask Hugo Chavez. He was sweating and squirming in his seat when Barbara asked him about his love life and if he liked coffee. There’s no way Alec can stand that kind of interrogation. Barbara will have him so completely flabbergasted, he won’t even be able to talk when Rosie asks him if he feels his freedoms are threatened now that he knows that Osama Bin Laden is at the White House frozen in carbonite, or that Bigfoot blew up the WTC Towers under orders from the CIA.

Kim Basinger hotness:

Note: Alec Baldwin is an asshole, but as one of our readers previously pointed out, this is probably the greatest cameo in movie history.

Update: Here’s the segment which aired today. Thanks, TMZ!