John Krasinski

Inspire: John Krasinski Makes ‘Some’ Things Better With ‘Some Good News,’ Celebrating 15 Years of ‘The Office’

The news is pretty grim these days. We’re bombarded with coronavirus infection rates and death tolls, not to mention scary stories about face mask and respirator shortages, plus toilet paper panic. But not everyone is letting the current state of the world get them down. Take John Krasinski, the actor best known as Jim Halpert on The Office and the title character of Jack Ryan. He recently asked his Twitter followers to send him #SomeGoodNews. “Send me the stories that have made you feel good this week or the things that just made you smile!” he said in the tweet. He was inundated with responses, which resulted in his new YouTube series, Some Good News, which debuted Sunday.

“For years now, I’ve been wondering, why is there not a news show dedicated entirely to good news? Well, desperately seeking my fix somewhere else, I reached out to all of you this week, asking — nay, begging — for some good news. And boy, did you deliver,” he said in his best news anchor impression. “Yes, without question, we are all going through an incredibly trying time. But, through all the anxiety, through all the confusion, all the isolation, and all the Tiger King, somehow the human spirit still found a way to break through and blow us all away.”

Over the course of the 15-minute show, Krasinski lauded healthcare workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, showcased a slew of heartwarming stories of people getting creative with coronavirus social distancing restrictions, and invited The Office‘s Steve Carrell (who played the notorious boss Michael Scott) online to reminisce about the greatest moments of the blockbuster sitcom for its 15th anniversary.

So if you’re bumming about the state of the world, turn off the bad news and cue up Krasinski’s show. A few warm fuzzies and a belly laugh or two are just what the doctor ordered.

Cover Photo: YouTube

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