Long-Time Republican The Rock Endorses Biden-Harris Campaign, Trump Says He’ll Await Word From The Paper and The Scissors (Half of Which Beat Rock)

Do you smell what The Rock is cooking? Political outlets certainly do, as former WWE Superstar and current Hollywood Superstar Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has recently made headlines after releasing a video in which he endorses Joe Biden for President of the United States.

Previously, Johnson has remained mute on the topic of politics, though he did appear at the Republican National Convention on behalf of WWE back in 2000. The times, they are a-changin’, however, and, like most of us, the former WWE champion simply cannot stay silent anymore.

“I had the opportunity to sit down with Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris to talk about a number of important issues that we’re facing as a country,” Johnson said in a video uploaded to his social media channels. “I thought it was a great, and extremely productive conversation that we had and, as a registered Independent for years now, with centrist ideologies, I do feel that Vice President Biden and Senator Harris are the best choice to lead our country, and I am endorsing them to become President and Vice President of our United States.”

Johnson then went on to share a conversation he had with Biden and Harris, and the first question he asked the pair was, “What will you do to earn the respect of the American people once you’re in the White House?”

It was a good question, and a fair question, as our current president lacks respect from many voters- celebrities and non-celebrities alike. Trump, for his part, must be fuming because of his own history with WWE. He has appeared on multiple WWE-produced shows, is known friends with the CEO of WWE, Vince McMahon, and he even brought Vince’s wife, Linda McMahon, on as part of his cabinet. Luckily, The Rock is no longer under the thumb of McMahon and is free to make his own decisions and his own choices. The biggest of which is his endorsement of Biden and Harris.

Johnson has, self-admittedly, never publicly endorsed a presidential candidate (as one has to be careful in how they present themselves to the court of public opinion), and that just goes to show how pivotal this election actually is. The Rock is currently the hardest working man in Hollywood, so he earns our admiration. But, more importantly than that, in every interview he has done, every social media post he has offered, he comes across as an intelligent, kind, genuine human being. In short, he is somebody whose endorsement the general public would, and should, highly consider.

No word yet on how Paper and Scissors are voting but, in this case, The Rock trumps them both.

Cover Photo: Dwayne Johnson

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