This Girl Hasn’t Cut Her Nails In 3 Years And Of Course It Looks Gross

Photo: Instagram/Simone Taylor

Sure, there are plenty of disgusting things that all humans do, but for the love of everything that is holy, why do some people refuse to cut their nails? I’m looking at you Simone Taylor.

Taylor, a 16-year-old student from Nuremberg, Germany hasn’t had a nail clipper near her nails in about three years. And the results? Well she now has freaky as all hell nails that measure 15 centimeters, which is almost six inches long.

So what happens when you haven’t cut your nails in three years? Well, what happens is that it takes Taylor three hours to paint her nails, her grades have suffered because she can’t do anything in gym class, and she has had to relearn how to write and type, all so that she doesn’t have a super painful breakage. Come on, Taylor.

Here’s what Taylor had to say:

“I have exams at the moment and it’s hard to write, after one hour of writing my hands really hurt. On the computer, I have to type using my knuckles.

Luckily, German schools don’t have dress codes, so they don’t cause any issues there.

PE is a huge problem, though. I can’t play volleyball, basketball or anything similar. My PE teachers are always trying to convince me to cut my nails. They’ll never succeed in convincing me – but that makes my grades in PE really bad.”

So she’s making herself miserable. Makes sense.

But how and why did Taylor stop being a normal human? It all started back in 2014 when Taylor came across some nail tutorials, and she also discovered that some artists had long nails. And now, well now she has talons. Taylor also admitted that she’s scared of nail clippers.

“It wasn’t my intention to grow them so long, but as they grew, so did the amount of compliments and they became more and more a part of me. During my first year, I always thought to myself, ‘I’m gonna cut them tomorrow,’ but I never did.”

And of course we all want to know about how she uses the bathroom, right? Of course we do.

“Funnily enough, a lot of people ask the toilet question when they see my nails for the first time.

Showering is a bit more difficult. Sometimes my nails get caught in my hair, so I have to be extra careful.”

So I’m going to assume using the bathroom is hell. Hey, anything for long nails.

I’m just glad the kids of this generation are pouring their energy into important things.


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