Woman Learns Her Hotel Manager Fiancé Is Cheating Thanks To TripAdvisor Reviews

Photo:  LWA/Dann Tardif (Getty)

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this lady won’t be giving her relationship four stars.

Let’s all meet Melanie Sheard, a care worker from the UK who met her partner Pablo, a hotel manager, while on vacation in Turkey. And everything was all flowers and rainbows until Melanie discovered that Pablo had been cheating on her. With a bunch of hotel guests. And how did she discover it? TripAdvisor of course.

The 41-year-old woman became suspicious after her fiancé began befriending other British gals on Facebook — so she dived into the internet to see what she could find out. And Melanie’s search led her to “several” reviews where she said she found comments from other women claiming to have had a romance with the hotel owner, Pablo. Welp.

Photo: Facebook

“I found comments from girls saying they had an amazing holiday — all thanks to their fling with the manager,” Melanie told The Sun. “There were reviews from people warning others not to stay there as the manager was sleeping with loads of the guests. I felt sick.”

Melanie needed confirmation, so she did reach out to the gals on Facebook, and to no one’s surprised they all confirmed that they recently “dated” Pablo. Oh, and one of them was still dating him. Not cool, Pablo.

“At first I didn’t want to believe he would cheat, but when I saw it written in black and white online I was furious,” Melanie adds. “He denied it at first but I had evidence from the girls he was cheating with.”

Well then, that’s quite a pretty unfortunate way to learn about your partner’s scummy ways, but at least the cat is out of the bag and Melanie can move on.

h/t Someecards

Read up! Woman Calls Out Cheating ‘Sh*thead’ Boyfriend In Positive Restaurant Review

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