This Man Has Lived On A Deserted Island For 20 Years Just For The Hell Of It

Photo: YouTube

Tom Hanks’ character in the classic movie Castaway ended up being on a deserted island with a volleyball for a total of seven years. But that’s nothing compared to how long David Glasheen has lived on a deserted island with his dog Polly. How long you ask? 20 damn years.

Photo: YouTube

After losing $10 million in the 1987 stock market crash, Glasheen, once a gold-mining tycoon and property mogul, was not in the best place in his life as on top of losing all that money he was also in the middle of a divorce. But he found a savior and that savior was an island — a Restoration Island off the coast of Northeast Australia that the 73-year-old calls “heaven on earth.”

“I love it here because I have my safety, no matter how old and how tough you are you still want to go to bed knowing you are not going to be attacked,” Glasheen said. “I want to die here—where else would I? This is my heaven on earth.”

Photo: YouTube

But Glasheen doesn’t have it as bad as Hanks had it in the movie, as Glasheen has solar panels and a back-up generator for electricity. Hell, Glasheen even travels to the town of Cairns once a year to pick up essentials like rice and cooking oil. And on top of that, he has Wi-fi which he uses to watch episodes of Britain’s Got Talent on YouTube.

But there’s one thing this man misses and you can probably guess what it is.

“You do miss intelligent conversation and the physical contact of other people,” Glasheen said. “I would love to find a partner who wants to live with me here, or a couple of ladies who want to come and visit a couple of times a year.”

A couple of ladies? Damn, Glasheen is 73, but he apparently still has things working. But yes, if there are any ladies out there that want to live on an island with this dude, feel free to send me a message in a bottle.

h/t Maxim

Give this a look now: The 10 Weirdest Islands In The World