Trucker Goes Viral After Chest Tattoo Makes Him Look Like He’s Driving Tiny Car

Photo: Facebook/Richard Batey

So while this dude is complaining that his face tattoo is getting in the way of landing a job, trucker Kenny Ollerenshaw is basking in the glory that is viral fame — and he has his new bizarre tattoo to thank.

The 36-year-old has the internet world buzzing after getting a large chest tattoo that makes him look like a tiny man is driving his body with a steering wheel. Photos of the tattoo, which Kenny got at Immortal Art Studio in Cumbria, has been shared over a million times since being posted on Facebook. Just take a look at this work of art.

Photo: Facebook/Richard Batey

Tattoo artist Richard Batey is the artist behind the tattoo, a tattoo that took four hours to complete. Kenny reveals that his son was the first person he showed it off to.

“He thought it was cool but I wasn’t expecting it to go viral, it’s all gone a bit mad and my son has told my mum that I’m famous,” Kenny said. “I keep looking at it in the mirror and thinking it’s just crazy. You should see what happens when I tense my pecs. My family are all on board with it. The way I look at it is if people don’t like it then they don’t have to wear it.”

Photo: Facebook/Richard Batey

The 43-year-old tattoo artist says that this tattoo is the “first of its kind in the world.” Here’s what Richard had to say.

“I have a good mechanical understanding from working in the car industry When Kenny came in he was up for having this done as a chest piece. The result is just the start. There’s a long way to go.

It has 1.1 million views and 2million likes on Facebook – and it isn’t even finished yet. It’s what I’d call an interactive tattoo and it’s more of a shocker than anything else. It’s got the ability to make an entire room of people smile and laugh and get them talking.”

And if you’re wondering why in the hell Kenny got this tattoo, well he answered that question in a video.


h/t Daily Mail

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