Ohio Widow And Husband’s Mistress Brawl At His Funeral

Photo: kzenon (Getty)

I guess this is how they decided to pay tribute to this dude’s life.

An unnamed man’s memorial service held at Young Lusain Funeral Home in Dayton turned violent when a woman showed up and claimed to be the current girlfriend of the deceased man. Probably not the best time to mention that, lady. And clearly the man’s widow was not a fan of this at all because a physical fight between the two women and other women started soon after as the widow tried to remove the woman from the funeral home.

Two men attempted to break up the fight, but when that was unsuccessful the widow sprayed pepper spray, hitting most of the women involved in the fight. And yeah, that was enough to stop the fight.

Police have not identified any of the women involved in the brawl, and as of now no one has been arrested and no charges have been filed. All we know is that the deceased had two women in his life and he took that secret all the way into the grave.

h/t WCPO

Well that’s quite a way to go out: ‘Overly Obese’ Body Starts Funeral Home Fire During Cremation

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