Indonesian Museum Removes Hitler Exhibit After People Start Using It For Selfies

Photo: HENRYANTO/AFP/Getty Images

The year is 2017, and some people want to take selfies with one of the most evil men in history.

The De Mata Trick Eye Museum in Yogyakart has removed  its Hitler exhibit following protests and outrage from Jewish and human-rights groups — the same exhibit that guests were using to take selfies with Hitler. For example, take a look at this photo:

Photo: HENRYANTO/AFP/Getty Images

Yep, that was actually happening.

The waxwork portrayed Hitler standing in front of a giant image of Auschwitz and the slogan “Arbeit Macht Frei” — work sets you free — the same slogan that appeared over the concentration camp’s entrance, where millions of Jews were killed during World War II.

De MATA trick eye museum also features recreated scenes from history and fantasy as nearly 200 life-size figures are featured in these walls for guests to take selfies with. One of those figures include Darth Vader. And while Vader was a baddie, he doesn’t exist. Hitler existed, and he was awful.

Here’s what Rabbi Abraham Cooper, had to say about the exhibit.

“Everything about it is wrong. It’s hard to find words for how contemptible it is. The background is disgusting. It mocks the victims who went in and never came out.”

Here’s hoping that museum makes smarter decisions moving forward.

h/t Independent

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