Teen ‘Accidentally’ Drains Mom’s Bank Account Playing FIFA 18

Photo: EA Sports

Did you ever use your parents’ credit card to get something you really wanted? Maybe you never did, or maybe you did but were never caught somehow. Well the kid in this story used up his mom’s cash and apparently he had no idea he was even doing it.

According to Metro, a mom recently discovered that her 14-year-old son accidentally spent an entire month of her wages playing FIFA 18. The unnamed Irish woman says her debit card was registered to FIFA 18 on the Playstation which meant that every time her son bought ‘points’ she was charged. Her first mistake was allowing her son to link up her card to the game. Her second mistake was actually believing her son had no idea what he was doing.

But the woman is still sticking by her son, saying FIFA doesn’t tell you it has a cost element or that you are being charged. And now the bad news to all this is that this family may now have a shitty Christmas because they are out of cash. Here’s what this mom had to say:

 “This was my first Christmas working full time and then to go to your bank account and find it empty with the whole month’s pay and overtime in the buildup to Christmas just gone is horrendous.  I had to take my son out of school after speaking to the bank so that he could go home and take everything offline as money was still going out of my account.

He is so upset he is staying in bed. He is withdrawn and is blaming himself. He reckoned he has spoiled Christmas for his family. I can’t even get him to school.”

And now Sony have refused to return the money. Tough break, lady.

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