SU 0207

Drunk Dude Impales Groin While Climbing Over Metal Fence

Photo: Jonatan Fernstrom (Getty)

Well, at least he wasn’t sober for this nightmare.

What was supposed to be a night of partying in West Harlem turned into a painful ordeal for one guy after he impaled his own crotch while trying to climb a metal fence. The unidentified man, believed to be in his 20s or 30s, sprayed blood all over the fence and the street below while he hung on top of it, in what is something I can feel down below and I’m just writing about it.

A witness, Celso Guzman Rios, had this to say:

“Me and another guy walked out to go buy beer. Then suddenly we see him hanging from the fence. He was just stuck there. There was a lot of blood spilling out.”

The chaos wasn’t done there as a fight among two partiers kicked off as they argued over whether they were doing enough to help the poor dude on the fence. This fight of course was going on while the guy was still stuck there. According to Rios this fight got so out of hand that someone got a beer bottle cracked over their head.

NY Daily News

Rios came upon the victim on a beer run.

“Suddenly we see him hanging from the fence,” said Rios. “There was a lot blood flowing… from his leg. He was stuck on his right leg. That’s why I helped him.”

Police said the victim was jabbed in the groin. Rios said he was stuck in his right leg. It wasn’t clear if the victim had been trying to scale the fence on his own, or if someone had shoved him. Cops arrived and started cutting the fence to free the man, who was in surgery at Mount Sinai St. Luke’s Hospital. Blood still stained the kitchen — further evidence of the out-of-control party.

“They told us not to clean anything,” Rios said, pointing at the blood splattered on the kitchen floor. “The police told us not to go work today, because they are still investigating.”

Well, regardless of what the police find out, some poor dude is limping around New York right now with some injured jewels.

Painful to watch: Here’s 4 Minutes Of Dudes Getting Hit In The Groin Set To Peter Gabriel’s ‘Solsbury Hill’ Just Because