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Body Piercer Cuts Own Finger Off And Turns It Into Pendant

Photo: MilosJokic (Getty)

If you spend long enough on the internet everyday, like I do because my job requires it, you’re bound to come across stories that just baffle the hell out of you. This is one of those stories.

A body piercer named Torz Reynolds decided that she was going to grab some bolt cutters and cut her own finger off. Why? Because it “looks cute.” And that “cute” severed finger is now a pendant.

Reynolds kept her severed finger in the freezer for a year before turning the frozen stump into a pendant necklace. The 30-year-old simply put the finger inside a glass vial filled with alcohol solution. It gets stranger. Reynolds’ boyfriend even bought her a collection of tiny hats to dress her stump up. Oh God.

Here’s what Reynolds had to say:

“I forgot it [the finger] was there. It was in the freezer next to my frozen peas. You don’t want to waste it so why not turn it into a necklace?

I made the necklace on Wiggles’ [the finger’s name] birthday (February 14). I’ll pick and choose where I wear it – I wouldn’t wear it at work – but it will definitely be a new favorite in my free time. I thought a necklace would be the easiest thing to make and I wanted to do something to mark Wiggles’ first birthday.”

Here’s what else Reynolds had to say:

“I couldn’t stop thinking about it and decided to do it. ‘Xav and I had a nice dinner and then I chopped it off, I numbed it first so it wasn’t too bad. I wasn’t sure if I could live without it but I can. ‘It hasn’t changed anything – I love it, it’s so cute.”

I’ve said this before but as long as you’re not hurting anyone at all, go right ahead and do whatever makes you happy. Will people thinks it’s awesome? Most likely not. Do I want to hang out with someone who keeps her own finger around her neck? Again, no. But hey, more power to you, you awesome 9-fingered woman.

h/t Metro

And then there’s this guy: Dude With 278 Piercings In His Penis Says He Still Has A ‘Great’ Sex Life

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