22 College Students Vacate After Rocket Fuel Explosion, Absolutely No Meth at All They Swear

When it comes to college life, cooking in your dorm room is a precarious undertaking. Aside from the inconvenience of limited counter space, rotten ingredients, and dirty dishes, there’s also the issue of overcoming laziness. (That’s why we usually settle for a strict diet of Doritos and tater tots.) Yet despite its problematic nature, whipping up a decent dorm dinner isn’t exactly rocket science. Except of course, when it is.

Take the case of a Brigham Young University student who blew up their dorm while cooking rocket fuel. A classic example of dinner plans going awry combined with rocket science living up to its difficult reputation. To be clear, this weekend project was not a school assignment, but a self-motivated venture to make five gallons of rocket fuel using a recipe he found on the internet.

Unfortunately, the male student’s attempt to impress Elon Musk ended in disaster when his fuel overheated, sending a flame angel flying up the walls. As a result, 22 students were displaced but luckily, the fire isn’t what sent them running from the building. It was the sprinkler system flooding every single floor.

In response to the incident, BYU Police Lt. Jeff Long had this little nugget of wisdom to offer: “It was definitely poor judgment on this person. He didn’t think this through.”

On the bright side, no charges have been filed against the intrepid Rocketman as of yet. Maybe because it’s not the first time someone’s blown up their college while making jet fuel. In the 1930s, a group of Caltech students destroyed part of campus after a rocket test went sideways. They later went on to form the famed Jet Propulsion Labs, now a part of NASA.

Hey, we all experiment in college. Just not usually with an internet recipe for fireball soup. Maybe next time, BYU guy, just eat a bag of angel’s trumpet and call it a day.

Cover Photo: BYU Police


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