Christina Aguilera Always Wanted To Be Fat, But People Wouldn’t Let Her

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From 1999 to 2008, Christina Aguilera was the hyper-sexualized with the great voice, and she didn’t pass up any up opportunity to get as close to naked as possible. Then she got pregnant and started eating for two. Then the baby came and she never stopped eating for two. Now if you call her fat you’re racist. And if you work with her, don’t worry about bringing the donuts. She’ll have some. Billboard reports:

During the promotion of my album Stripped [in 2002], I got tired of being a skinny, white girl. I am Ecuadorian but people felt so safe passing me off as a skinny, blue-eyed white girl.”...”The next time my label saw me, I was heavier, darker and full of piercings!” the five-time Grammy Award winner laughs. “Let me tell you, that wasn’t an easy pill for them to swallow. I had gained about 15 pounds during promotion and during my Stripped tour [with Justin Timberlake, 31]. They called this serious emergency meeting about how there was a lot of backlash about my weight. Basically, they told me I would effect a lot of people if I gained weight — the production, musical directors.”… “I told them during this Lotus recording, ‘You are working with a fat girl. Know it now and get over it.’ They need a reminder sometimes that I don’t belong to them. It’s my body,” Aguilera tells the magazine. “My body can’t put anyone in jeopardy of not making money anymore—my body is just not on the table that way anymore.”

Women, please make up your minds. Do we want just everyone to be fat? Just tell us so we’ll know. If you see a skinny girl, we’re supposed to tell her to “eat a sandwich”. And if we see a fat girl who stole all the skinny girl’s sandwiches we’re not supposed to call her fat because she’s a real woman who is “embracing her curves”. I guess because nobody else is.

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