White Castle

Meanwhile in St. Louis: Woman Celebrates 100th Birthday With 100 White Castle Sliders (Clearly Doesn’t Want to Live Until Next Birthday)

By the time you turn 100 years old, there are no rules. You can do what you want, associate with whom you want, and eat what you want. So we don’t blame Lydia Motchan of St. Louis for going all out for her 100th birthday. The centenarian chose to celebrate another revolution around the sun with 100 White Castle burgers.

“The memory of White Castle is part of my heritage. We grew up around the Great Depression time and so it was hard for my daddy to get a job. White Castle was a treat because we could afford them,” she told Today.

“A hamburger only cost a quarter and if you were lucky enough to cut a coupon out of the newspaper, you could buy six for 25 cents,” she continued. “They were brought home in a brown paper bag and those are the things that I always think about in my memory.”

Even better than bingeing on those tiny, greasy burgers? The fast-food chain gave them to Motchan for free! It also gifted the birthday girl with a plaque that read: “In recognition of this momentous milestone, we wish you a very happy 100th birthday! Thank you for being a loyal craver!”

Motchan is so faithful to the brand that even after she had heart valve replacement surgery, she noshed on a dozen White Castle sliders during her recovery.

Her go-to order? Two Original Sliders with extra pepper, double onions, and a “bottom bun only” — meaning that instead of a top and bottom bun, she gets her beef wedged between a pair of bottom buns. As for her fries, she always eats them plain – no condiments.

Perhaps just as much as the taste, she loves the smell of her fast-food feast. “The wonderful aroma of White Castle in an automobile is something quite delightful,” she said. “There’s nothing quite like it. I’d like to bottle it as a perfume and keep it, put it behind my ears. Well, maybe not.”

We hope you had a tasty birthday, Lydia, but we gotta say – 100 White Castle burgers is probably a pretty good way to guarantee you won’t see your next birthday.

Cover Photo: Drew Angerer / Staff (Getty Images)


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