Here’s The First Five Minutes Of ‘Ghost In The Shell’ If You’re Interested


Who wants to see the first 5 minutes of Ghost In Shell? I sat through it. I feel you should suffer too.



Ghost In The Shell was the first thing this year that made people ask, “why did the studio cast a big star that the entire world knows instead of an Asian actor nobody has ever heard of? It’s almost like studios just want to make money”, but then Matt Damon fought aliens or something on The Great Wall, then Matt Damon got Iron Fisted. But plot twist, Iron Fist in the comic book is white, but that was somehow white washing and asking why an Asian guy didn’t play a martial artist isn’t racial stereotype? It’s all become so confusing. Anyway, Ghost In The Shell will get bad reviews regardless if it’s good or bad, because Scarlett Johansson is white, just like Ghostbusters got good reviews even though it was bad because it had an all female cast. This is where we are now I guess. Hillary should run in 2020 and promise to pass a law that doesn’t let white people be cast in anything. We’re Electoral map landslide here.


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