IHOP Waiter With Black Belt Stops Robber, Still Gets Beat Up

Photo: FOX Searchlight Pictures

If you’re a third-degree black belt and are going to stop a robber, try not to get your face bashed in in the process because that’s exactly what happened to IHOP waiter Elijah Arnold.

Arnold was recently working his shift at a IHOP restaurant in San Antonio when he noticed the “register popping,” and that’s when he realized that a man was trying to open the cash register with a crowbar.

“I stepped out and looked and there he was pulling the register out and everything,” Arnold tells WFAA. “So I just took off, my instinct kicked in and I took off full speed at him.”

Check out video below of the incident, which includes Arnold holding on to the robber’s leg as he’s dragged around.

I’m going to be honest with you: I saw no martial arts moves at all there. All I saw was something I would do: hold on to the guy’s leg for dear life. And while Arnold tackled the guy and held him down until police arrived, Arnold still got hit in the face with the crowbar.

Screenshot: YouTube

Here’s what else Arnold had to say:

“He tries to start apologizing and, ‘man I’m so sorry. I know I hit you. I know I’m trying to steal your money, but just give it to me. I need it really bad’ and everything like that.

That was my money in the register. It was my manager’s money in the register. And it was my IHOP’s money in the register. And I’m not going to let anybody take that.”

Arnold reveals that he can sympathize with the robber because he was homeless and not working two weeks ago.

Well, thanks to Arnold, the suspect was taken into custody, but there are still two people being sought.

h/t NY Daily News

Now read this: Genius Attempts Armed Robbery At MMA Gym, Gets Exactly What You’d Expect

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