quarantine groundhog

Woman Sees Groundhog Eat Pizza Outside Her Quarantine, Predicts Life Won’t Return For Another 6 Weeks

We can’t scroll through our news feed on Facebook or Instagram and not stop to watch a video of a cute animal doing something silly. We’ll spend all day (when we’re supposed to be working from home) in a fluffy puppy video shame spiral or giggling until we feel like we’re going to wet our pants as cats fall off of things in dramatic fashion. We were mesmerized by the magic that was “Pizza Rat” back in 2015. For crying out loud, it was a rat attempting to drag an entire slice of pizza down a set of subway steps. Sure, in general, we’re not stoked to watch rat-based content, but this one was delightful. Well, another member of the rodent family has decided to completely up the ante during coronavirus quarantine.

A furry, adorable groundhog found a slice of pizza (who knows where) and decided to munch on it (in a rather taunting way) on the other side of a sliding glass door as a pair of dogs barked their disapproval. He might not be Punxsutawney Phil, but this groundhog is bringing a little more excitement than that boring shadow-watcher.

Photo: Kristin Chalela Bagnell / Facebook

It all went down in the same state as ‘ol Phil, but in Philly instead of Punxsutawney. Kristin Chalela Bagnell was sitting in her house when she spotted a strange guest in her yard. Sitting right in front of her sliding door was a groundhog snacking on an old piece of pizza likely plucked from a nearby trashcan. Her dogs began to bark, and the groundhog continued to enjoy his snack, seemingly unaware of the dogs’ yelps. The groundhog finished its slice of ‘za and then, just like that, it was gone. It’s guaranteed to remain one of the strangest moments of Bagnell’s life. Luckily for us, she filmed the whole thing so nobody will just think she’s starting to lose her mind due to home confinement.

If you didn’t get enough cuteness with the pizza-eating groundhog, enjoy these other adorable animal GIFs.

Meanwhile in Florida: Veteran Pays $40K for Rare Bourbon to Support Struggling Restaurant (Something Good Came From Florida!)

Bottles and cans just clap your hands: The 8 Best Pre-Made Cocktails to Ease Your Quarantine

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