Teenage girl is skiing in alpine glacier. The girl is taking selfies while enjoying the sun and snow. Nikon D850

Iceberg the Size of NYC Breaks Off Antarctica Now Awaits Flock of Millennials Looking For Exclusive ‘Grammable’ Backdrop

Social media influencers are always looking for a chance to raise their profile. Building an empire isn’t easy, and with every hot location already littered with selfie sticks, it’s near impossible to find a backdrop that will set you apart from the pack. Well, with the latest iceberg out of Antarctica, Grammers may have just gotten the break they needed.

Measuring an impressive 500 square miles, the newest iceberg to make a splash in pop culture is also the most exclusive location in the world to go viral. The last time an ice shelf of this magnitude broke off from mainland Antarctica was in 1971 when Ziggy Stardust headlined Glastonbury and the price of a house was $25,000. This opportunity won’t come along again soon.

And for those savvy Instagrammers wanting to avoid any potential backlash, here’s something worth noting: Nearby scientists at the Halley Research Center say this big break wasn’t caused by global warming. Meaning the first person to Instagram Live this floe won’t be taking any shade from eco-trolls.

But aspiring influencers better hurry, the virgin chunk of ice floating somewhere in the South Atlantic won’t remain exclusive for long. Plans to build a Blue Bottle Coffee shop are already in the works after word spread of Ariana Grande’s intentions to shoot her next music video there. Whatever you do, just get there before the cold yoga retreat for celebrities opens in the spring and this massive iceberg becomes as played out as the Grand Canyon.

Cover Photo: Imgorthand (Getty Images)

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