bear pee

Meanwhile In California: Woman Accused of Starting Fawn Fire Blames It On Drinking Bear Pee, That Doesn’t Help

When life gives you lemons make lemonade but when life gives you bear pee tainted water set Northern California on fire. Well, you know how it goes, you’re hiking up the West Coast trying to get to Canada, and you accidentally burn nearly 9,000 acres trying to avoid drinking bear pee. At least that’s what happened to the arsonist accused of starting the Fawn Fire in Northern California.

30-year-old Alexandra Souverneva pled not guilty to felony arson according to a complaint from Shasta County District Attorney’s Office. Souverna was stopped by a Cal Fire official the day of the fire to be evaluated for possible dehydration. After being asked to empty her pockets, Cal Fire discovered she was carrying a lighter.

Naturally, Souverna became parched while hiking and spotting a puddle in a dry creek bed. She suspected bears had tainted it with their urine. However, after an unsuccessful attempt at filtering the water with a teabag, the woman resorted to starting a small fire to boil the bear pee. Souverna claims the fire wouldn’t start so she drank the bear pee water and went on her way.

Authorities believe that a small fire turned into the Fawn Fire, which burned 8,578 acres, injured three people, and destroyed 185 buildings. Souverneva’s being held on a $150,000 bail and attorneys are arguing about the state of her mental health at the time, which is probably not good since she set the forest on fire and somehow drank bear piss anyway.

Cover Photo: @Alex Pantling (Getty Images)


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