Even as Major League Baseball gets ready to lay the hammer on players across the league for alleged links to steroids, one of the men who is most closely identified with the steroid era says juiced players make for better baseball.
John Rocker told a Cleveland radio station Tuesday performance-enhancing drugs give players the boost to play a more entertaining game. Crave’s NESN website posted the audio for the interview, in which Rocker said, in part:
“At the end of the day when people are paying their $80, $120 whatever it may be, to buy their ticket and come watch that game, it’s almost like the circus is in town. They are paid to be entertained. They wanna see some clown throw a fastball 101 mph and some other guy hit it 500 feet. That’s entertainment. You’re paying to be entertained.”
Rocker, who averaged a 3.71 ERA and 21 saves per season in his career, told the world in 2011 he used steroids to help him recover on the second and third straight day of pitching.