Watch This Giant Elk Bring Daydreaming Dude to the Ground with Just One Move

In other news of dudes who will never play professional football, we bring you the Yellowstone National Park tourist who oh so publicly crumpled into the turf after a giant elk stunted on him just for the hell of it.

There’s something about Yellowstone that brings out the numskull in people. From the folks who got dissolved in pools of acidic thermal water to the many visitors gored by 2,000-pound bison, America’s first national park suffers no fools. This latest video is the perfect example.

Yellowstone tour bus driver Randall Champion succinctly explains what unfolded that day. “I saw this idiot walk out onto the lawn to film the bull without realizing he was now between the bull and the cows. You can see when the bull turns his head back, he sees the idiot and slowly starts lowering his head and moving towards him. The guy just keeps filming. The bull picks up speed and now everyone is seeing what is about to happen – except the idiot.”

For the record, we love how many times Champion squeezed the term idiot into that statement. According to him, this kind of stuff occurs every day. Perhaps that’s what happens when you reach the top of the food chain. You have nowhere to go but down.

Prepare for your laugh of the day as you witness a man try, then fail to communicate with his limbs in the face of a charging elk. He won’t make the Buccaneer’s starting lineup anytime soon, but he’s certainly made our list of Darwin Awards hopefuls. We can’t wait for that to be us one day.

Cover Photo: YouTube
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