Breonna Taylor
"A real police officer in a dark alleyway standing outside of his police car, shouts commands at a dangerous suspect that he has at gunpoint."

The Satirical White Surpremacist Guide to Getting Away With Murder (Justice For Breonna Taylor)

Murder is illegal. Unless you happen to be a white cop. Then it’s perfectly OK to shoot up whoever, wherever because you won’t be held accountable.

We don’t have to dig deep into our country’s history to find examples of this. We’ve seen how cops can barge into an apartment on a no-knock warrant while the residents are asleep and fire off rounds of ammunition, killing an innocent bystander in her bed with five gunshot wounds.

Lest you’ve forgotten, her name was Breonna Taylor and, after Kentucky attorney general Daniel Cameron announced on Wednesday that no police officers involved in her murder would be charged for her death, protests spawned all over the country.

This gross injustice got us thinking: how do these cops literally get away with murder again and again? We came up with a satirical guide to answer that question. (Emphasis on satirical.) Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and every other BIPOC killed by police deserve justice — and we mean that sincerely.

Cover Photo: avid_creative (Getty Images)

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