miami brawl

Meanwhile in Florida: Watch Cop Pull Gun During Brutal Brawl at Miami International Airport (Merry Christmas, You Filthy Animals)

Tensions run high around the holidays, but there’s really no excuse for taking out your angst over too much family time on strangers at the airport. Ah, but try telling that to travelers in Miami, who recently got into a brawl so brutal that a cop had to pull his gun.

It all went down at gate H8. A delayed charter flight to Santo Domingo apparently provoked a “disturbance,” as reported by an airport worker. That might have been an understatement as cops arriving on the scene discovered an “unruly passenger” who swiped the keys of an airport transport cart and refused to let another worker exit.

Somehow, multiple people went aggro and a melee ensued. Of course, others stayed out of the fray but captured the chaos on their cell phones.

At one point, the crowd turns on the cop, and as he backs away, he pulls out his gun.

Sheesh. Luckily, no one was hurt during the brouhaha. That said, this type of violent incident is no longer unusual when people prepare to fly the formerly friendly skies.

“Unfortunately, that passenger growth has come with a record-high increase nationwide in bad behavior as well, such as the incident this evening at MIA,” said Ralph Cutié, director and CEO of the airport.

We knew holiday travel was stressful, but this is what we call unnecessary roughness. Santa’s leaving coal for all of you!

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.

Cover Photo: Twitter


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